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Product Info

The Vocal/Organ (Full) scores are 6 pages (letter-size - 8 ½ x 11 inches) in length, and are designed for front only copying or for front and back “booklet” style copying. The Congregation part is a 1-page PDF suitable for inserting into a service leaflet. Purchasers download a PDF file with permission to reproduce copies of the Vocal/Organ (Full) score in maximum quantities of 20, 40 or 99. (Permission “rights” are printed on the bottom of each score). The Congregation score is included as a separate PDF file. Once purchased, the product(s) will be immediately available for download from the Purchase Confirmation page. A confirmation email with a download link will also be sent to the Purchaser’s email address. The download link will be valid for 30 days from the date of purchase. If permission to reproduce more than 99 copies is desired, please contact Once purchased, this music may be performed without limitations. For recording rights, please contact the composer at

Purchase a License for FRACTION ANTHEM


Intended for liturgical use at the Breaking of the Bread, this Fraction Anthem was written by James Buonemani in 2011, and is dedicated to The Rev. Paul J. Kowalewski, Rector at that time of St. James’ Episcopal Church, Los Angeles. Utilizing a traditional Gradual plainchant melody for the congregation, the words were provided by The Rev. Mark E. Stanger (Grace Cathedral, San Francisco), derived from an anonymous source from St. James’ Church, Piccadilly, London.




Alleluia, Alleluia.

We break this bread for those who journey the way of the Hindus, for those who follow the path of Buddha, for our sisters and brothers of Islam, for the Jewish People from whom we come, and for all those who walk in the way of faith.


Alleluia. Blessed be God for ever.

We break this bread for the earth we have wasted, for those who have no bread, and for ourselves in our brokenness.


Alleluia. Blessed be God for ever.

Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us. Alleluia.

Therefore let us keep the feast. Alleluia.




It is written for Congregation, Cantor, and SATB choir with organ accompaniment mostly for unison voices, breaking into harmony near the concluding climax. A mixed-meter facilitates a plainsong style with modern harmonies.


The full vocal/organ score includes the organ accompaniment and is used by the choir, cantor and organist. When the score is purchased, a PDF of the congregation part is included, which may be reprinted in service leaflets as needed.


Separate PDF parts for brass quartet (2 trumpets and 2 trombones) are also available for purchase. These parts add color to the organ harmonies as the work builds to a climax. They do not contain any additional musical material and are entirely optional.



Thank you for your interest in the music of James Buonemani. For questions regarding purchasing, recording or performing his music, please contact him here


This site will periodically be updated with more works by the composer. Please return often to peruse his latest compositions.

Site Design by Mike Irizarry.

© 2019 by James Buonemani.

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